
+7 (495) 297 -3315


JSC “Antipinsky Oil Refinery”

The plant was founded in 2004.


CJSC “Antipinsky Oil Refinery” is located in the industrial zone of Tyumen in the south-east near the village of Antipino. The company is part of RI-INVEST Limited Liability Company.

Antipinsky Oil Refinery CJSC is based on technological installations for oil refining. To obtain oil, ship petroleum products to consumers, provide technological installations with energy carriers, ensure quality control of technological processes, raw materials and finished products, and provide the entire plant with water, heat and electricity, the plant includes general plant facilities. The plant is connected to the main oil pipelines of Transneft at the Tyumen-3 oil processing station, and has an oil acceptance point (PSP), which includes the Oil control system and oil metering station No. 1006. There are 2 two-way railway tank loading ramps, 3 oil and crude oil discharge ramps, 2 automobile tank loading ramps, a single automated control system integrated with the enterprise’s computer network, high-speed external telephone and electronic communication channels.

Oil refineries are built in technological queues. Each technological stage implies the organization of a certain finished production cycle, processing oil and shipping to consumers a certain set of petroleum products of a given quality level.  Tyumen oil refinery is connected to a main oil pipeline with a total capacity of more than 7.5 million tons per year, as well as to a main oil product pipeline with a capacity of 2.3 million tons per year. The installed refining capacity of the plant is 7.5 million tons of oil per year, the quality of diesel fuel meets the Euro-5 standard, and the processing depth is 97%. The company also produces Euro-5 standard gasolines.





                                                                                    OUR PRODUCTS

  • Stable Gas Gasoline (BGS)
  • Stable heavy gas gasoline (BGST)
  • EURO diesel fuel, summer, grades C of ecological class K5 of DT-L-K5 brand
  • EURO diesel fuel, summer, grades D of ecological class K5 of the DT-L-K5 brand
  • EURO diesel fuel, off-season, grade E, ecological class K5 brand DT-E-K5
  • EURO diesel fuel, off-season, grade F, environmental class K5 brand DT-E-K5
  • Diesel fuel EURO, winter, class 0 environmental class K5 brand DT-Z-K5
  • Diesel fuel EURO, winter, class 1 ecological class K5 brand DT-Z-K5
  • Diesel fuel EURO, winter, class 2 ecological class K5 brand DT-Z-K5
  • High-boiling gas condensate distillate (DHQ) type I, II, III
  • Heating oil 100
  • Petroleum bitumen road viscous BND 100/130
  • Petroleum bitumen road viscous BND 70/100
  • Oil roofing bitumen BNK 40/180


Tyumen oil refinery provides customers with a full range of professional logistics services Sea, rail, and road cargo delivery services as well as port and stevedore services combined into a single logistics solution— from drawing up the optimal route to tracking and online monitoring of cargo. We supply petroleum products to all   regions of Russia and abroad in various ways:



Production and sale of high-quality petrochemical products and services, development of new and existing sales markets.

The social mission is to produce products in the most efficient and safe way, promote the development
of the territory, the well-being of the
population and improve the quality
of life of the plant’s employees.


The Antipinsky Oil Refinery supplies products for enterprises of the Tyumen, Omsk, Tomsk, Kemerovo regions and the Altai Territory. The Company’s customers are located in Vladivostok and St. Petersburg. A number of foreign customers are located in Finland and Italy. The priority consumer of the Company’s products is certainly the Novosibirsk region. The Company’s customers are permanent and stable partners.


The Company’s sustainable development concept is based on the principle of preserving the environment for future generations. TNPZ is aware of the nature of the technogenic impact of its activities on the environment and environmental risks. The company improves training modules in the field of environmental protection and participates in projects aimed at preventing climate change and preserving biological diversity.
The company implements a set of measures to reduce the negative impact on the environment. These include measures for environmental monitoring, reducing harmful emissions, rational use and treatment of wastewater, recycling and recycling of waste, and improving energy efficiency. The company monitors industrial and fire safety.