At the Antipinsky Oil Refinery (a branch of RUSINVEST LLC), the catalyst was successfully replaced at a combined high-octane gasoline production unit. The catalyst was unloaded and loaded for the first time since the plant was put into commercial operation in 2018.

Taking into account the experience of the first launch of the CCAMLR, the company’s specialists successfully restored the design indicators of the platforming section and the NRC block (UOP CYCLEMAX technology). Due to the withdrawal of the process licensor and catalyst supplier Honeywell UOP from the Russian market, an analog was found in the shortest possible time, which has been effectively used for more than 20 years at hundreds of high-tech and modern refineries, mainly located in the Asian region.

There is no experience in using this catalyst in Russia yet, but TNPP specialists are confident that the implementation of the import substitution strategy, which reduces the dependence of industrial enterprises on supplies from Europe and North America, will open up new opportunities and promising markets for the oil refining industry. The main functional characteristics of the purchased catalyst correspond to the Western licensed one, while in some respects it even exceeds it.

The plant’s specialists pay close attention to the operation of the catalytic system. In order to be able to quickly respond to deviations from the regime, an annual supply of catalyst was created.

RUSINVEST LLC is one of the largest Russian companies for the production of high-quality petroleum products that meet international standards and meet the requirements of consumers both inside and outside the country. In 2021, a branch of RUSINVEST LLC — TNPZ, located in the Tyumen Region, was established. The installed refining capacity of the plant is 7.5 million tons of oil per year, and the depth reaches 98%. The company produces the entire range of motor fuels that meet the EURO-5 environmental standard.