Delayed coking unit restored at Antipinsky Oil Refinery
Work on the restoration of the installation damaged after the fire was completed ahead of schedule.
At the Tyumen Oil Refinery (Branch of RUSINVEST LLC – ANPZ), a delayed coking unit (UZK) was put into commercial operation after a fire at the beginning of the year. According to the company’s specialists, the launch of a unique technological complex in the current market conditions and in a short time was an absolute priority for all plant services during 2022.
From January to May, the plant conducted industrial examinations and diagnostics of equipment operability at all blocks of the technological site. After assessing the volume of damaged structures and dismantling them, in June, the plant’s personnel, together with expert and construction and installation organizations, began to erect metal structures, install internal devices and pipelines on two blocks affected by the accident. In parallel with the restoration work, the company’s specialists were preparing for the launch of units that were not affected by the accident.
Taking into account the logistics and time required for the production of equipment for this project, the UZK was put into operation as soon as possible, which is of great importance both for the regional economy and for the efficiency of the enterprise. As a result, TNPZ is restoring its full production cycle, which makes it possible to increase oil refining rates, increase the output of motor fuels, and resume production of petroleum coke, which is in demand in metallurgy. All work was completed by November 27, and the first batch of products from UZK will be shipped to customers in early December.
– The operation of the delayed coking unit is an important component of the plant’s efficiency. The commissioning of this technological complex allowed us to return to pre-accident indicators for the shipment of petroleum products and restore the full product line. It is important to note that the restoration of the UZK took place in full compliance with the original design developed by the licensor during its construction in 2016. I believe that the team confidently coped with one of the main professional challenges of this year – ” said Irina Samarina, General Director of RUSINVEST LLC.
It should be noted that the delayed coking unit is part of a technological complex that provides a high depth of oil refining (up to 98%), which makes it possible to increase the efficiency of refining by increasing the production of such marginal petroleum products as automobile gasoline and diesel fuel.