About the company:
Antipinsky Oil Refinery, located in the city of Tyumen, is owned by RUSINVEST LLC
Legal address: 24 Sadovnicheskaya str., building 6, Moscow, 115035
Areas of activity: production and supply of petroleum products.
In 2021, a branch of Rusinvest – TNPZ was established.
The Tyumen Oil Refinery is the Antipinsky Oil Refinery in Tyumen.
JSC “Antipinsky Oil Refinery” The plant was founded in 2004
The Tyumen Oil Refinery is an industrial oil refinery built from scratch and connected to the main oil pipeline (with a capacity of 7.5 million tons per year) and an oil product pipeline (with a capacity of 2.3 million tons per year).
The Antipinsky Oil Refinery is an industrial oil refinery built from scratch and connected to the main oil pipeline (with a capacity of 7.5 million tons per year) and an oil product pipeline (with a capacity of 2.3 million tons per year).
Tyumen Oil Refinery processed 12.33 million tons of oil and gas condensate in 2022
Total light products produced 6.57 million tons
Gasoline –
1.86 million tons
Diesel fuel –
4.5 million tons
Jet fuel –
0.21 million tons

Antipinsky Oil Refinery, Tyumen
The quality of diesel fuel and high-octane gasolines meets the Euro-5 standard
In 2022, production of Euro-5 standard gasolines started
In 2021, the refining depth reached a record 98% for the Russian oil industry.%

Diploma holder of the Global Eco Brand International Environmental Award.
The refinery is one of the largest enterprises of the Russian oil refining industry, forming the market of the Ural and West Siberian oil refining.
The treatment facilities are a five-stage treatment system covering 10.7 hectares.

Tyumen Oil Refinery joins Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Antipinsky Oil Refinery became a member of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Tyumen region. The solemn ceremony of awarding the membership card was held in the Tyumen Central Department Store, a partner of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
– In difficult times, we need to unite. I am glad that the business community in the region is expanding, covering new areas of activity. This year, we will add a new format of interaction with state authorities, involve members of the Chamber in legislative activities, and create real platforms for dialogue between business and government. I thank all the new members of the Chamber for their trust. Welcome! – said the President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Olga Yezikeeva.
The Tyumen Oil Refinery was represented at the event by Chief Engineer Ilya Bokin. He noted that the plant is already receiving practical benefits from membership in the CCI and sees prospects for expanding cooperation.
– First of all, membership in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry means useful contacts, as well as a wide range of industrial, construction and other expertise using unique methodological bases and own laboratories, which are regularly needed by oil refineries. Therefore, joining the CCI already brings tangible benefits to the enterprise, ” Ilya Bokin summed up.
The Tyumen Chamber of Commerce and Industry has been operating in the region for 30 years and unites over 700 companies. Its mission is to promote the development of the region’s economy and create favorable conditions for the development of all types of business activities.