A comfortable temperature in the pavilions of the Tyumen Oil and Gas Forum was provided by Antipinsky Oil Refinery. To heat the exhibition hall, it provided five tons of EURO-5 diesel fuel produced by the Tyumen Oil Refinery (a branch of RUSINVEST LLC-TNPZ).

“RUSINVEST strives to provide consumers with high-quality petroleum products produced at the Tyumen Oil Refinery, one of the most strategically important plants for the Russian fuel market. We are pleased to be a part of the Tyumen Oil and Gas Forum and wish all its participants a warm atmosphere and fruitful work, ” said Irina Samarina, CEO of RUSINVEST.

Diesel fuel of the Tyumen Oil Refinery meets the EURO-5 quality standard. Its environmental friendliness and high functional characteristics are confirmed by independent experts. TNPZ products are regularly recognized as winners of federal and regional competitions. In 2020, TNPZ diesel fuel became the winner of the contest “Best Goods and services of the Tyumen Region”