Specialists of the Tyumen Refinery have been trained on the basis of the world’s leading companies

Specialists of the Tyumen Refinery have been trained on the basis of the world’s leading companies

Employees of the Chief Metrologist Service were trained in the Moscow offices of Endress+Hauser and Emerson – the world’s leading companies specializing in the production of measuring equipment and automation for technological processes and laboratories.

To participate in the program, two groups were formed, which mainly work with different types of level meters. The laboratory staff studied the program level of micro-pulse and ultrasonic level meters, the specifics of their operation, configuration and verification.

Employees of the metrology laboratory were shown a service center where the company’s engineers performed factory settings of the devices. In the course of joint work, conditions were modeled that are close to real operational conditions. Manufacturers of control and measuring devices select settings to meet the requirements of each customer. Changes to the program level of devices are made using unique codes that are not published in the public domain. Employees of the instrumentation and control equipment shop also completed a training course on radar level meters, paying special attention to the installation, operation, replacement of parts and calibration of sensors.

– Complete information of this kind, formula combinations, and instrument responses to changes are not provided in the basic version of the user manual. During the training, a deeper understanding of instrument programming is already given, all formulas with full analytics are worked out, ” said Mikhail Trifonov, a participant in the training program, an instrument specialist at the TNPZ Metrology Laboratory.

The branch of RUSINVEST LLC-TNPZ is focused on long-term and partnership relations with all equipment suppliers, design institutes, paying special attention to the exchange of experience and implementation of educational trajectories that develop professional competencies of employees.

Tyumen Oil Refinery was visited by a delegation from South Korea

Tyumen Oil Refinery was visited by a delegation from South Korea

Representatives of Hyundai Engineering visited the Tyumen oil refinery. The visit of the South Korean delegation took place at the invitation of the branch’s management.

– Hyundai Engineering is one of the world leaders in the field of industrial design, a company with an impeccable reputation. It is very important that RUSINVEST uses the experience and competencies of Korean specialists as part of its project activities, ” said Andrey Shamshurin, Chief Technologist at Antipisky Oil Refinery.

Hyundai plans to expand its presence in Russia and analyzes design solutions at modern oil refineries in various climatic zones. At the Tyumen Refinery, the company’s specialists were interested in the specifics of the operation of technological installations in low-temperature conditions and specific solutions for the placement of dynamic equipment, the design features of closed-type structures, as well as the economic component of the refinery’s operation in winter. In particular, we are talking about cost optimization when selecting equipment that is used by Russian factories in real conditions.

It should be noted that Hyundai Engineering is currently implementing several projects in the Orenburg region in the Buzuluksky bor together with the NKNP oil company. In June, the parties signed an agreement on the construction of an associated petroleum gas processing unit, which will ensure its efficient utilization from the fields.

Tyumen Refinery switched to a new catalyst in the production of gasoline

Tyumen Refinery switched to a new catalyst in the production of gasoline

At the Antipinsky Oil Refinery (a branch of RUSINVEST LLC), the catalyst was successfully replaced at a combined high-octane gasoline production unit. The catalyst was unloaded and loaded for the first time since the plant was put into commercial operation in 2018.

Taking into account the experience of the first launch of the CCAMLR, the company’s specialists successfully restored the design indicators of the platforming section and the NRC block (UOP CYCLEMAX technology). Due to the withdrawal of the process licensor and catalyst supplier Honeywell UOP from the Russian market, an analog was found in the shortest possible time, which has been effectively used for more than 20 years at hundreds of high-tech and modern refineries, mainly located in the Asian region.

There is no experience in using this catalyst in Russia yet, but TNPP specialists are confident that the implementation of the import substitution strategy, which reduces the dependence of industrial enterprises on supplies from Europe and North America, will open up new opportunities and promising markets for the oil refining industry. The main functional characteristics of the purchased catalyst correspond to the Western licensed one, while in some respects it even exceeds it.

The plant’s specialists pay close attention to the operation of the catalytic system. In order to be able to quickly respond to deviations from the regime, an annual supply of catalyst was created.

RUSINVEST LLC is one of the largest Russian companies for the production of high-quality petroleum products that meet international standards and meet the requirements of consumers both inside and outside the country. In 2021, a branch of RUSINVEST LLC — TNPZ, located in the Tyumen Region, was established. The installed refining capacity of the plant is 7.5 million tons of oil per year, and the depth reaches 98%. The company produces the entire range of motor fuels that meet the EURO-5 environmental standard.

Tyumen Oil Refinery increases key production indicators

Tyumen Oil Refinery increases key production indicators

Antipinsky Oil Refinery, a branch of RUSINVEST LLC, increased oil refining in October by 17 percent compared to September. Having processed 638 thousand tons of raw materials, the company reached the highest figures since 2018.

– The Tyumen Oil Refinery is gradually increasing its production capacity and reaching its design targets after its exit from bankruptcy proceedings. During three months of independent operation, the company processed more than 1.7 million tons of oil and continues to work dynamically to increase its main production indicators. When developing the plan, the company’s specialists focus on market analysis and build the most efficient processing model in terms of production balance and financial indicators, ” RUSINVEST said.

The main capacities of the company were concentrated on the production of diesel fuel of the EURO-5 quality standard. In three months, the production of this product amounted to 672 thousand tons. The output of AI-92 and AI-95 EURO-5 motor gasoline exceeded 128 thousand tons. According to the central dispatching department of the Fuel and Energy Complex of Russia, automobile gasoline produced by the Tyumen Refinery is fully sold on the domestic market. The yield of light oil products has also been growing for three months. If in August it was 58 percent, then in October it reached 59.7 percent of refined oil.

Delayed coking unit restored at Antipinsky Oil Refinery

Delayed coking unit restored at Antipinsky Oil Refinery

Delayed coking unit restored at Antipinsky Oil Refinery

Work on the restoration of the installation damaged after the fire was completed ahead of schedule.

At the Tyumen Oil Refinery (Branch of RUSINVEST LLC – ANPZ), a delayed coking unit (UZK) was put into commercial operation after a fire at the beginning of the year. According to the company’s specialists, the launch of a unique technological complex in the current market conditions and in a short time was an absolute priority for all plant services during 2022.

From January to May, the plant conducted industrial examinations and diagnostics of equipment operability at all blocks of the technological site. After assessing the volume of damaged structures and dismantling them, in June, the plant’s personnel, together with expert and construction and installation organizations, began to erect metal structures, install internal devices and pipelines on two blocks affected by the accident. In parallel with the restoration work, the company’s specialists were preparing for the launch of units that were not affected by the accident.

Taking into account the logistics and time required for the production of equipment for this project, the UZK was put into operation as soon as possible, which is of great importance both for the regional economy and for the efficiency of the enterprise. As a result, TNPZ is restoring its full production cycle, which makes it possible to increase oil refining rates, increase the output of motor fuels, and resume production of petroleum coke, which is in demand in metallurgy. All work was completed by November 27, and the first batch of products from UZK will be shipped to customers in early December.

– The operation of the delayed coking unit is an important component of the plant’s efficiency. The commissioning of this technological complex allowed us to return to pre-accident indicators for the shipment of petroleum products and restore the full product line. It is important to note that the restoration of the UZK took place in full compliance with the original design developed by the licensor during its construction in 2016. I believe that the team confidently coped with one of the main professional challenges of this year – ” said Irina Samarina, General Director of RUSINVEST LLC.

It should be noted that the delayed coking unit is part of a technological complex that provides a high depth of oil refining (up to 98%), which makes it possible to increase the efficiency of refining by increasing the production of such marginal petroleum products as automobile gasoline and diesel fuel.