Specialists of the Tyumen Refinery have been trained on the basis of the world’s leading companies

To participate in the program, two groups were formed, which mainly work with different types of level meters. The laboratory staff studied the program level of micro-pulse and ultrasonic level meters, the specifics of their operation, configuration and verification.
Employees of the metrology laboratory were shown a service center where the company’s engineers performed factory settings of the devices. In the course of joint work, conditions were modeled that are close to real operational conditions. Manufacturers of control and measuring devices select settings to meet the requirements of each customer. Changes to the program level of devices are made using unique codes that are not published in the public domain. Employees of the instrumentation and control equipment shop also completed a training course on radar level meters, paying special attention to the installation, operation, replacement of parts and calibration of sensors.
– Complete information of this kind, formula combinations, and instrument responses to changes are not provided in the basic version of the user manual. During the training, a deeper understanding of instrument programming is already given, all formulas with full analytics are worked out, ” said Mikhail Trifonov, a participant in the training program, an instrument specialist at the TNPZ Metrology Laboratory.
The branch of RUSINVEST LLC-TNPZ is focused on long-term and partnership relations with all equipment suppliers, design institutes, paying special attention to the exchange of experience and implementation of educational trajectories that develop professional competencies of employees.