Tyumen Oil Refinery (Branch of RUSINVEST LLC-TNPZ) will increase the size of official salaries of employees. From August 1, 2022, they will be indexed by 12.15 percent – the value of the consumer price index for goods and services in the Tyumen Region over the past 12 months.
– According to the regulations on remuneration and compensation payments of the Tyumen Oil Refinery, the salaries of employees of the enterprise should be indexed from August 1 to the size of the consumer price index of the Tyumen region for 2021. However, given the sharp increase in inflation in the first half of this year, RUSINVEST’s management decided to index it with the consumer price index for June 2022 in relation to June 2021, ” commented Elena Polyakova, TNPZ’s Deputy Director for Human Resources Management.
The decision to increase the indexation of salaries of employees of the Tyumen Oil Refinery was made in close cooperation with the company’s Labor Collective Council.
– The Board welcomes the decision of RUSINVEST management to carry out increased salary indexation. I know that many employees expected a planned indexation, which would not compensate for the significant decline in real incomes for the first half of 2022. Nevertheless, the employer heard our arguments and met us halfway, increasing the initial indexation amount almost twice – ” said Ilyas Seidvaliyev, Chairman of the Tyumen Oil Refinery’s Labor Collective Council.
Salaries will be indexed for all employees of the Tyumen Oil Refinery. At the moment, the company employs more than 1,800 people. After the increase in salaries, the average salary for working specialties at the plant will be 84 thousand rubles.