Quality Management System

Industrial safety and labor protection
Industrial safety and labor protection
continuous improvement and provision of safe working conditions in the Society; development and implementation of measures to reduce the risks of accidents, accidents and occupational diseases; ensuring compliance of the Company’s activities with the legislation, norms and requirements in the field of labor protection; provision of training of the Company’s employees in the field of labor protection through training and informing; ensuring that employees comply with the rules and regulations in the field of occupational safety and health; promotion of compliance with occupational health and safety requirements among employees.
carrying out preventive work for compliance with labor protection norms and rules, monitoring the state of working conditions at workplaces, as well as for the correct use of individual and collective protective equipment by employees; introduction of new means of collective and individual protection, provision of sanitary and consumer services and medical support for employees in accordance with the requirements of labor protection; purchase and issue at own expense of special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment that have passed mandatory certification or declaration of conformity in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation, conduct training seminars to familiarize the Company’s employees with new types and samples of PPE; organization of periodic and preliminary medical examinations; informing employees about working conditions and occupational safety at the workplace, about the risk of health damage, guarantees provided to them, compensations due to them, and personal protective equipment; conducting a special assessment of working conditions (hereinafter referred to as SAUT); conduct hazard identification and risk assessment in the field of occupational health and safety, the purpose of which is to ensure the safety and health of employees in the course of work. Risk assessment is preventive in nature; organization of effective training of employees in labor protection requirements, as one of the main organizational measures to prevent injuries, improve production culture and prevent occupational diseases.
Special assessment of working conditions:
Results of the special assessment of working conditions application No. 1
List of recommended activities application #1
Results of the special assessment of working conditions application No. 5
List of recommended measures to improve working conditions application No. 5
Fire safety
Fire safety
All objects of protection of the enterprise are equipped with fire protection systems in accordance with the requirements of the legislation in the field of fire safety, such as:
automatic fire extinguishing installations designed to eliminate a fire at the initial stage of its development;smoke extraction and air supply systems in stairwells designed to ensure safe evacuation of people when exposed to fire hazards (smoke) in the event of a fire; fire-fighting valves installed at the intersection of ventilation installations for supply and exhaust, exhaust and supply ventilation of fire barriers (walls, partitions, ceilings); irrigation systems for column apparatuses and storage tanks for LVH, GZH, LPG; water curtain systems; stationary universal carriage barrels with manual, remote control and stationary robotic carriage barrels; water and foam fire hydrants installed on ring networks of outdoor fire-fighting water supply; fire cranes installed on internal fire-fighting water supply networks.
Environmental policy
Environmental policy
During the construction of new and modernization of existing facilities of the RUSINVEST – TNPZ branch, special attention is paid to minimizing the impact of the enterprise’s production process on the environment – these issues are a constant component of the plant’s business management system.
The following products are produced:
The following products are produced:
Antipinsky Oil Refinery started its career in 2004, and for more than ten years it has been successfully engaged in achieving its original goals, including::
- Production of gasoline for petrochemicals (BGS);
- Production of diesel fuel of various classes;
- Development of gas distillates;
- Distribution of refined product residues;
- Production of pitch coke;
- Sales of propane-butane and butane mixtures.
General scheme of oil products processing at the Antipinsky oil Refinery:<br />
- Preparation of raw materials for subsequent work (dewatering and desalting processes, removal of harmful impurities);
- Primary oil distillation (production of such petroleum products as jet and diesel fuel, fuel oil); Secondary processing of petroleum products (thermal and chemical catalytic cracking, which is used to obtain the maximum possible amount of gasoline fractions at the output);
- Hydrotreating (recycled products are purified from nitrogen-containing, sulfur-containing and other oxygen compounds);
- Production of finished products (gasoline, technical oils, various fuels, kerosene and derivatives).
Antipinsky Oil Refinery, Tyumen Products
In the end, as a result of applying the above scheme in practice, the Antipinsky Oil Refinery offers consumers the following types of finished products::
- BGS from light hydrocarbon raw materials;
- Diesel fuel,
- Class 5; Liquid hydrocarbon mixtures (distillates);
- Residual products of raw material processing;
- Coke products;
- Liquefied petroleum gases;
- Powdery technical sulfur.
QMS-Quality Management System
Our mission statement
Production and supply of high-quality petroleum products that meet international standards and meet the requirements of consumers in Russia and abroad.
Strategic goal
Production of high-quality and competitive products that meet state and international requirements, consumer requirements, based on the introduction of the latest technologies and modern equipment, with the condition of ensuring labor protection of employees and the environment.
Main directions of the Quality Policy
Continuous improvement and improvement of the effectiveness of processes and the quality management system using modern management technologies;
Improving / maintaining the quality of manufactured products that meet the requirements of consumers, the requirements of regulatory and legal documentation; Expanding the range of high-demand products of appropriate quality to support the Company’s profitable operations; Rational use of material, natural and energy resources; Provision and development of the Company’s infrastructure; Motivation and encouragement of employees in accordance with each individual’s contribution to the Company’s activities; Training of personnel in order to implement the Company’s objectives; Ensuring the safety and health of employees in the course of production activities; Introduction of advanced technologies that allow the production process to be carried out with minimal environmental impact; Making decisions based only on the analysis of objective evidence and information; Maintaining constant communication with consumers in order to improve mutually beneficial cooperation and strengthen the Company’s image; Building mutually beneficial relationships with suppliers, partners, and other stakeholders.