Shut-down repairs completed successfully at Antipinsky Oil Refinery
The Antipinsky Oil Refinery (a branch of RUSINVEST LLC-TNPZ) has successfully completed shut-down repairs of the AT-3 primary oil refining unit and the diesel fuel hydrotreating unit. In accordance with the plan prepared by the plant’s specialists, the entire scope of repair work was completed on time at ELOU AT-3, and at SMT a day ahead of schedule.
Only one of the two sections was brought to the mine for repair, which made it possible to ensure a continuous production process. In the first section, the catalyst system was unloaded and loaded, the compressor oil system and heat exchanger bundles were chemically cleaned,and a number of preventive measures were implemented to improve the stability of the equipment.
AT ELOU AT-3, the company’s employees completed a list of activities from more than 200 items, including replacement of the heat exchanger plate package, revision of furnace burners, replacement of gasket material, installation of panels, revision of shut-off valves, furnace burners, hydraulic testing of equipment and pipelines. In addition, a number of design solutions were implemented to improve the plant’s efficiency.
In parallel with the repair of installations at the main production site, as a result of replacing ultrafiltration membranes at the biological treatment unit, the throughput capacity of the company’s treatment facilities was increased.
As the director of the branch of RUSINVEST LLC – TNPZ Eduard Krasavin noted, the company’s specialists have developed a step-by-step plan to improve operational efficiency and step-by-step restore the production infrastructure after the bankruptcy proceedings. Within the framework of the chosen strategy, one of the key areas is to work on import substitution and deepen cooperation with Russian research and design institutes.