Antipinsky Refinery is unique due to the fact that it is first in Russia (in 35 years) private but not a state-run, independent of Vertical Integrated Oil Companies, commercial, constructed from the scratch oil refinery connected to the oil trunk pipeline (total capacity equals to 7.2 MTPA with the increase up to 9 MTPA) and product trunk pipeline (total capacity equals to 1.8 MTPA with a plan to increase up to 3 MTPA) which capacity exceeds 9.0 MTPA, the refining capacity increased by 3.1 % compared to 2022, reaching 5.3 million tons of oil per year. The launch of the delayed coking unit allowed increasing the production of motor fuels.
Today, Antipinsky Oil Refinery is a modern, open, dynamic company heavily investing in the construction of new and upgrading of existing facilities and planning a diversified development of the production base in central Russia to improve the efficiency of natural resources utilization and increase the production of petroleum products meeting the highest quality standards by implementing the most cutting edge deep conversion processes.
The Refinery occupies its rightful place among the largest players of the Russian oil refining industry, forming the Urals and West-Siberian oil refinery market, and is known far abroad.
TechnoHub is proud to be a part of such major project. Through this co-operation with our company, Antipinsky Oil Refinery is now equipped with the state-of-the-art gas hazard warning systems which is significantly important for the production process as well as safety of personnel, hardware and equipment.
Due to the fact that any construction of a refinery with the maximum possible oil processing depth producing the complete range of high-quality engine fuels and petrochemical products requires enormous capital investments, refineries are constructed in several workflow stages.
Each workflow stage implies the organization of a complete production cycle and shipment of a certain range of oil products of agreed quality to consumers. This is the development mode chosen by Antipinsky oil refinery.
1st Stage
I Workflow Stage (2010).
Unit: Crude Unit – 1.
Initial nameplate capacity: 0.4 MTPA.
After re-equipment in 2010 nameplate capacity amounted to 0.74 MTPA.
Processing depth: 55%.
Storage tanks: 52,000 cu.m.
2 either-direction railway tank filling racks.
2 road tanker filling racks.
Capacity of crude oil transportation through oil trunk pipelines of Transneft JSC – 0.5 MTPA.
Connected to the Shaim – Tyumen oil trunk pipeline with the capacity of up to 0.6 MT
Start-Up Complex- Photos of the 1st Workflow Stages
2nd Stage
II Workflow Stage (2012).
Units: Crude Unit – 2 with gasoline stabilizer.
Initial nameplate capacity: 2.5 MTPA.
After re-equipment in 2012 nameplate capacity amounted to 3.3 MTPA.
Total capacity of the refinery (Crude Unit – 1 + Crude Unit – 2) made up to 4.0 MTPA.
Processing depth: 52%.
Storage tanks for 120,000 cu.m (the total volume amounts to 172,000 cu.m).
Finished Products Sector with 2 either-direction railway tank filling racks for 71 rail tankers.
Capacity of crude oil transportation through oil trunk pipelines of Transneft JSC – 1.7 MTPA.
Connected to the Shaim – Novosibirsk oil trunk pipeline with the capacity of up to 1.7 MTPA and Ust-Baluk – Kurgan – Ufa – Almetyevsk (UBKUA) with the capacity of up to 4.3 MTPA. Total capacity equals to 6.0 MTPA.
Simultaneously with construction and commissioning of the workflow stages Antipinsky oil refinery acquired and repaired railway station Antipino, in the proximity of which the Finished Products Sector (FPS) was built. It is intended for unloading of light refined oil products (gasoline, diesel) by rail.
The FPS is a detached facility connected with the main area of the refinery by means of industrial pipelines with the total length of about 3,0 km located not far from Antipino station. The area of the site is 15 ha. There are two either-direction tank filling racks making it possible to load 71 rail tankers at a time with a relay tank terminal of 20,000 cu.m.
Start-Up Complex- Photos of the1st Workflow Stages
3rd Stage
1st Start-Up Complex of the 3rd Workflow Stage (Completed in January 2014).
Taking into consideration the scale of the III workflow stage objectives its construction is being carried out in several start-up complexes, first of which has been completed in January 2014 and second – in October 2015.
1st start-up complex of the III workflow stage:
Unit: Crude Unit – 3.
Initial nameplate capacity: 3.7 MTPA.
Processing depth: 50%.
Storage tanks: 140,000 cu.m (diesel storage tanks – 80,000 cu.m; crude oil storage tanks – 60,000 cu.m; total volume including relay storage tanks volume of FPS – 332,000 cu.m).
Five staged water intake, treatment and effluent facilities.
Capacity of crude oil transportation through oil trunk pipelines of Transneft JSC – 7.2 MTPA.
Connected to the Shaim – Novosibirsk oil trunk pipeline with the capacity of up to 1.7 MTPA and Ust-Baluk – Kurgan – Ufa – Almetyevsk (UBKUA) with the capacity of up to 5.5 MTPA.
Start-Up Complex- Photos of the 1st Workflow Stages
4th Stage
2nd Start-Up Complex of the III Workflow Stage (Completed in October 2015).
A diesel fuel hydro treating unit (the licensor and developer of the basic design is the Danish company, Haldor Topsoe) was built at the 2nd start-up complex of the III workflow stage in order to make the diesel quality comply with Euro-5 standard (with the sulfur content of no more than 10 ppm), to provide for the required freezing temperature with a possibility to produce winter and arctic diesel. Hydrogen generation unit with a gas treatment module and elementary sulfur recovery unit (with a granulation module) were built for the purpose of supporting operations of the hydro treating unit.
First diesel hydro treating unit with the nameplate capacity up to 3.0 MTPA.
Hydrogen generation unit with gas amine treatment module, capacity – 25 thousand TPA.
Sulphur recovery unit with a granulation module, capacity – 30 thousand TPA.
Licensor and developer of the basic design is the Danish company, Haldor Topsoe.
Crude unit AT-3 reconstruction for the purpose of total capacity increase up to 5 MTPA.
LPG depot for transportation of commercial liquid motor gas Grade PA (Motor Propane) and PBA (motor propane-butane), produced at Crude unit AT-3. The LPG depot capacity makes 50 thousand TPA.
Receipt and dispatch of dark oil products base with 6 km of extended lines. Overall receipt and dispatch overcame 300,000 cu.m.
Start-Up Complex- Photos of the 1st Workflow Stages
5th Stage
3rd Start-Up Complex of the III Workflow Stage (2016).
The oil processing depth has reached 98% at the 3rd start-up complex of the III workflow stage due to the commissioning of the delayed coking unit with a fuel oil vacuum distillation module. As a result diesel yield is increasing up to 50% from the total refining output. The licensor and developer of the basic design is the American company, Foster Wheeler. The coke resulting from tar carbonization and constituting one of the end products is in great demand with iron and steel industry.
Fuel Oil Advanced Processing Unit consists of:
Delayed coking module (with the nameplate capacity of 1.3 MTPA; after revamp in 2016 the total capacity will exceed 1.7 MTPA).
Fuel oil vacuum distillation module (with the nameplate capacity of up to 3.6 MTPA).
Licensor and developer of the basic design is the American company, Foster Wheeler.
Processing depth: 98%.
Construction of a new automotive product-loading (auto-loading) facility at the Final Products Site and two 5,000 cu.m intermediate automobile gasoline tanks.
Start-Up Complex- Photos of the 1st Workflow Stages
6th Stage
4th Start-up Complex of the III Workflow Stage (2018).
At the 4th start-up complex started production of high octane Euro-5 gasoline with the octane number of 92, 95 points using a research method due to the commissioning of the gasoline catalytic reforming unit with a continuous catalyst recovery and the isomerization module of light naphtha fractions, which comes from the naphtha hydro treating module to these two units.
Combined high octane gasoline reforming unit consists of:
Gasoline fraction and coking naphtha hydro treating module «Unionfining» (with the nameplate capacity of 900 thousand TPA).
Catalytic reforming module with a continuous catalyst recovery (with the nameplate capacity of 300 thousand TPA).
Light gasoline fraction isomerization unit (with the nameplate capacity of 240 thousand TPA).
Licensor and developer of the basic design is UOP.
Currently, the foundation works and underground pipelines at the сombined high octane gasoline reforming unit have been completed; the metal structures have been manufactured, continuous catalyst regeneration, reactors and column facilities have been installed. The production and process facilities are being manufactured and are expected to be delivered to the Refinery in October. Сommissioning activity starts since 2Q 2018.